Bindicator AB-S Auto-Bin-Dicator 8 Flanged Weather Tight Level Sensor. The original electromechanical point level switch, Bin-Dicator diaphragm-type level controls were the first to enjoy general usage in the industry. Bin-Dicator controls eliminate bin overflow, empty bins, clogged conveyors, choked elevators and resulting damage and waste. The Bin-Dicator control is a pressure actuated switch for use with free flowing bulk materials at atmospheric pressures.
Actuation of the switch is the result of pressure exerted by the bulk material against the diaphragm assembly. De-actuation or switch release is a result of the bulk material clearing away from the diaphragm.
Neoprene or SS diaphragm options. Sensor Is In New Condition, But Not In Original Packaging.Included Is Level Sensor And User Manual. This courtesy is greatly appreciated and BCS will correct the problem, guaranteed. Business Communication Systems is our established company carrying a large stock of new, refurbished and used equipment. We have been in the telecommunications business since 1987 and will always be here to serve your telephone equipment needs.