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Interactive staircase lighting SmartStairway SS-26LCD PRO

Interactive staircase lighting SmartStairway SS-26LCD PRO
Interactive staircase lighting SmartStairway SS-26LCD PRO

Interactive staircase lighting SmartStairway SS-26LCD PRO   Interactive staircase lighting SmartStairway SS-26LCD PRO

Allows you to create lighting using LED light sources with a current of up to 5A per channel from 4 to 26 steps with automatic activation. The controller is designed to work with monochrome (single-color) LED strips and lamps with a supply voltage of 12 or 24V DC and a power of not more than 5A for each of the steps (for a voltage of 12V, the maximum allowable power is 60W per channel, and for a voltage of 24V - not more than 120W for each channel). Luminaires and LED strips must support PWM dimming, otherwise they may flicker at low brightness values. If you want to create multi-color backlighting using analog RGB LED strips, use the optional SmartStairway APS-21 RGB Inverter Amplifier.

The controller allows you to create static lighting steps with a smooth successive switching on of steps one by one in the direction of movement of a person (from the entrance to the exit) or from both sides, if the entrance to the stairs is made from two sides at once. In standby mode, you can get emergency lighting for the first and last steps by setting their brightness from 0 to 100%.

Accordingly, if you set the brightness value to 0%, the first and last steps will be turned off in standby mode. You can connect a digital light level sensor to the system, which is included in all kits except for the "minimum" kit. This sensor does not have a housing and has a compact size.

It can be mounted under any decor elements of the stairs, it is necessary to leave only a hole with a diameter of 5 mm for the photosensitive element. The sensor has a trimming resistor that will allow you to adjust the required brightness level at which the system starts to work. If you do not need it, you can simply deactivate the sensor in the settings menu.

The system allows you to create interactive lighting stairs with 4 to 26 steps with one entrance and exit. One flight of stairs (staircase).

The system can work with three types of sensors in any combination. Detects the movement of warm objects at a distance of up to.

Detects an obstacle at a distance of up to 1.2m. Based on the principle of a reflected sound signal. They detect an obstacle at a distance of up to.

Based on the principle of a reflected infrared beam. At rest, they give a logical unit - a high signal. When an obstacle is detected - a logical zero (low signal). This is the most practical sensor, since this principle almost completely eliminates possible false alarms, errors in the choice of wires and the occurrence of induction currents in incorrectly selected and laid wires.

The system is configured using buttons and a two-line character display. It also displays information about the status of the system and the distance values measured by ultrasonic sensors.

The setting is carried out using an intuitive interface of the settings menu and the selection of values by mechanical buttons. For your convenience, we have created a short video tutorial on connecting and configuring, the link to which you will find below. You can also read more about connecting and configuring the system in the user manual, the link to which is available below. User Manual (English, PDF 13MB):URL: shop.

All kits do not include LED light sources, power supplies, wires and other associated materials, the number, power and parameters of which depend on your staircase, its dimensions, number of steps and the configuration of the entrance and exit. SmartStairway SS-26 LCD PRO controller - 1 pc. Pyroelectric motion sensor SmartStairway PIR-SR501-1 - 2 pcs. Unpackaged TTL light level sensor - 1 pc.

User manual - 1 pc. Ultrasonic distance sensor SmartStairway US-042 - 2 pcs. Infrared obstacle sensor E18-D80NK - 2 pcs. Pyroelectric motion sensor SmartStairway PIR-SR501-1 - 1 pc.

Ultrasonic distance sensor SmartStairway US-042 - 1 pc. No sensors are included in the minimum kit. Button to enter the settings "Setup".

In standby mode, activates the staircase light from top to bottom. In setting mode, increases the setting. In standby mode, activates the staircase light from bottom to top. In setting mode, decreases the parameter. Terminal for connecting "+" from a DC12V or DC24V power source.

Terminal for connecting "-" (Ground) from a DC12V or DC24V power source. Terminal for connecting "Digital Output (DO)" from a light level sensor. Terminal for connecting the "Triger" of the lower ultrasonic sensor or "Data" of the pyroelectric, infrared or microwave sensors. Terminal for connecting "Echo" of the lower ultrasonic sensor, not used for other types of sensors. Terminal for connecting the "Triger" of the upper ultrasonic sensor or "Data" of the pyroelectric, infrared or microwave sensors. Terminal for connecting "Echo" of the upper ultrasonic sensor, not used for other types of sensors. Terminal for connecting the upper push button (non-latching button). Terminal for connecting the lower button for forced activation (momentary button). Stabilized voltage output terminal +5V for connecting the power supply of sensors and buttons. Terminal for connecting "-" LED strip or first step lamp. Terminal for connecting "-" LED strip or step lamp number 2... 5A for each of them. Terminal for connecting "-" LED strip or lamp of the last step. Power consumption in standby mode. Average consumption in the operating mode of the backlight on.

No more than 7 W. Built-in power stabilizer voltage and power.

DC5V, 0.5A (protected by self-healing fuse). Ultrasonic HC-SR04, Infrared obstacle sensors NPN, Microwave rcwl-0516. And others similar in terms of power and level. Maximum load power per channel. With a load of 12V - 60W, with a load of 24V - 120W.

The choice of sensors and their differences. The controller can work with pyroelectric sensors or ultrasonic rangefinders in any combination.

Pyroelectric sensors are easy to install and connect, do not require additional settings. They determine the movement of objects, the temperature of which is 10 degrees or more higher than the temperature of the surrounding objects. They can detect movement up to 5 meters away. The angle of view of the sensors is approximately 45-50 degrees (for more details, see the diagram in the user manual).

The sensors are not demanding on the choice of installation location and can be installed near the floor or steps. This type of sensor is preferred if your staircase allows it. An ultrasonic sensor is a rangefinder that measures the distance to an obstacle.

The controller calculates the distance to the obstacle based on the speed of sound and the signal return time. Compares it with the value that you have written into memory and if the measured distance is less - turns on the light. The maximum distance for detecting obstacles is 1.2m (47). The principle of operation of ultrasonic sensors has some technological disadvantages. The sound is not reflected from the sound-absorbing surfaces.

The sensor will not see soft sound-absorbing objects. The speed of sound depends on temperature and atmospheric pressure, therefore, when this parameter is changed, the distance value may slightly change. The angle of propagation of the sound wave is approximately 45-60 degrees (see the diagram in the user manual for more details). Therefore, it is important to choose the right location for the sensor.

It should not be located close to the floor or a step, as if it is close to the side surface, the sensor will measure the distance to this surface, and not to an obstacle on the stairs. Therefore, it is recommended to install the sensor at least.

From the floor or step. Ultrasonic rangefinders are high-frequency devices operating at a frequency of more than 400 kHz. Therefore, use shielded wires no longer than 10m. This type of sensor provides obstacle detection at a distance of 3 to 80 cm.

The distance is adjusted using a multi-turn trimmer and has an LED indicating obstacle detection. It works on the principle of reflected infrared beam.

So, for example, you can set the distance, for example, 70 cm, and the sensor will be triggered if the distance to the obstacle is less than the set distance. At the same time, the sensor will not see any obstacles further away. The special feature of this sensor is its NPN output.

That is, when an obstacle is detected, the sensor outputs a logical zero (low signal), the rest of the time, when there is no obstacle, it provides a logical unit (high signal) at the output. This is very useful if the wires are long enough and if induced currents from other electrical appliances or wires can occur in these wires. It will not give false inclusions while doing so.

This is the best type of sensor for stairways without railings or if the sensor is directed into walkways. It is more practical than ultrasonic sensor. Shielded wires must be used for all types of sensors. In this case, the shield of the wire should be connected to "GND" of the power supply. Since any wire is an antenna, it collects inductive interference from other electrical devices in your home. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to erroneous switching on of the system due to inductive currents in the wires. The controller provides automatic lighting of stairs with 4 to 26 steps with one entrance and exit. In standby mode, the first step and the last step are on in low brightness mode, or you can turn them off.

The brightness of the on-duty steps can be adjusted from 0 to 100%. The entrance and exit can be equipped with a sensor suitable for your ladder and its configuration and (or) a switch button (not included).

When triggered, the controller will start smooth and sequential activation in the direction from the triggered sensor (or button) to the opposite one. You can adjust the turn-on speed, and the overall brightness of all steps. If the sensor on the other side is triggered, the controller will start switching on the steps in the opposite direction. After all steps are fully enabled, the controller waits for the time you specified before switching off.

This time can be set in 5 second increments. The minimum waiting time is 5 seconds.

If during this time at least one sensor works again (someone re-enters the stairs), the timer will restart and the waiting time will start again. After the specified time has elapsed, the controller will smoothly and sequentially turn off the steps in the opposite direction. The switch-off speed is always 2 times higher than the switch-on speed in order to save energy, since after a person leaves the stairs there is no need to light the stairs.

Description of the operation of the light sensor. A digital light level sensor can be connected to the controller, which will allow you to turn off the system during daylight hours (day / night mode). The light level is adjusted by the user at will using a trimming resistor on the sensor. Unlike the younger model of the SS-26 controller, it does not matter where you install the sensor, the light from the steps no longer interferes with it.

Now the sensor stops being interrogated after the start of switching on and will not lead to turning off the steps after the start of switching it on. Now you can install the sensor directly on the stairs. This is made possible by a new algorithm and a more powerful controller processor. Read in detail in the user manual and watch the video tutorial on connection and setup. Comparative table of controllers for stair lighting.

ATmega168, 8 mHz, SRAM 1kBt, EEPROM 512Bt, RAM 16kBt. ATmega328, 16mHz, SRAM 1kBt, EEPROM 512Bt, RAM 32kBt. ATmega328p, 16mHz, SRAM 1kBt, EEPROM 512Bt, RAM 32kBt. XTensa LX6 32-bit, 2 core, 240mHz, 448KB ROM 520KB SRAM.

3 buttons, indication using the first 4 steps. 3 buttons, display indication, demo. With the help of steps. 2 touch buttons for forcing the stairs on/off.

From the 4th to the 26th. Addressable LED RGB SMART tape of Neopixe, WS2811, WS2812 and similar types. Maximum load power for 1 channel.

0.4A (4.8W at 12V and 9.6W at 24V light sources). 5A (60W at 12V and 120W at 24V light sources). The parameter is not valid. Protection of digital inputs from connection errors. ESD protection against electrostatic discharge.

(it is possible to use RGB only under the conditions of using an additional amplifier with a built-in RGB controller SmartStairway APS21-RGB). Multi-color RGB SMART where the color and brightness of each individual LED or module of 3 LEDs is set (depending on the tape). PIR - pyroelectric PNP (logical 1 when motion is detected). Ultrasonic - ultrasonic distance meters. Microwave - PNP movement sensors based on the Doppler effect.

IR-infrared NPN distance sensors on the reflected beam with logic 0 when obstacles are detected. Indoor light level sensor support.

Day/night mode switching off when the light level is above the set threshold. Requires installing the sensor so that the light from the stairs does not fall on it. The light level sensor can be installed directly on the stairs, when the light on the stairs is turned on, the sensor is blocked and does not lead to unwanted shutdown of the stairs. Day/night mode and adaptive mode.

It can change the brightness of the light on the steps depending on the level of illumination, which prevents blinding in the dark. All parameters are adjusted according to the user's wishes. Illumination of the first and last steps in standby mode. Brightness is adjustable from 0 to 100%.

There are static and many dynamic modes of lighting the stairs while waiting. Both the first and last steps, as well as the extreme LEDs of each step, or signal dynamic lights on the steps in animated modes can be turned on. Setting the general brightness of the stairs. Also, thanks to the adaptive mode, it can automatically change depending on the level of illumination in the room. We will respond to you within 24 hours and do our best to help you out! The parcel may not be tracked in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Germany. This is due to the fact that the abovementioned countries do not track small registered packets. You can get information about the location of the parcel in these countries by submitting a request to the local postal service. The countries of Asia, Middle East, Africa, Central and South America averaged from 21 to 45 days. Please consider this when placing your order. Please consider this when purchasing. Parcels can be stored from 14 days to 2 months at the local post office, after which they can be disposed of or sent back. Check with your local post office for details. To do this, contact your local postal service.

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Interactive staircase lighting SmartStairway SS-26LCD PRO   Interactive staircase lighting SmartStairway SS-26LCD PRO